Discord Commands
Here is a brief overview of all the commands that you can use in our Discord
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Here is a brief overview of all the commands that you can use in our Discord
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Poppy Bot
Player Stats
/stats [IGN]
Shows stats pulled from in game.
IGN > In game name
Player Job
/jobs [IGN]
Shows job stats pulled from in game.
/town [IGTN]
Shows town stats pulled from in game.
IGTN > In game town name
Pulls up a window for you to create a suggestion for the server.
Please be detailed in the suggestion.
Pulls up a window for you to create a bug report.
Please be as detailed as possible when submitting a bug report.
Poppy Bot commands can be ran in #bot-spam channel.
Casino Bot
Allows players to get income for working.
Depositing Money
!dep [amt]/[all]
Allows players to deposit all or a certain amount of money into the bank.
Shows player cash in hand and bank balance.
Shows the leaderboard for the server.
Collecting Role Income
Allows players to collect $100.
This money is deposited into the bank.
!roulette [amt/all] [red/black/0]
Allows players to roulette a set amt of money and bet on red, black or 0.
Ex: !roulette all black
!bj [amt/all]
Allows players to play a game of blackjack.
Ex: !bj all
Casino Bot commands can be ran in the #casino channel.