Here is some useful information for our in-game perks.
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Here is some useful information for our in-game perks.
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â― HeadDataBase:
Price: $1,000,000
Use /hdb
to choose from a large selection of placeable and wearable player heads.
â― Jobs 1: Price: $400,000 When you purchase this perk, you'll be able to join a second job.
â― Jobs 2: Price: $800,000 When you purchase this perk, you'll be able to join a third job. Note: This is the max amount of jobs you're able to have.
â― Knowledge of the Archmage Vol I: Price: $500,000 With this perk unlocked, you can craft Siren, Elven and Dwarven items.
â― Knowledge of the Archmage Vol II: Price: $1,000,000 With this perk unlocked, you can craft Druid and Arcane items.
â― Knowledge of the Archmage Vol III: Price: $2,000,000 With this perk unlocked, you can craft Fairy and Dragon items.
â― Magical Worktables 1:
Price: $250,000
Use /craft
or /workbench
to open your crafting table anywhere.
â― Magical Worktables 2:
Price: $750,000
Use /anvil
, /loom
, /grindstone
, /cartographytable
, and /smithingtable
to open these tables anywhere.
â― Merchant: Price: $60,000 Unlocking this perk gives you the ability to create shops and sell items on the magical market.
â― Nickname 1:
Price: $100,000
Use /nickname
to change your display name.
â― Nickname 2:
Price: $550,000
Use /nickname
to use Minecraft colors to recolor your display name.
â― Nickname 3:
Price: $1,000,000
Use /nickname
to use hex colors, bold, italic, strikethrough, and underline in your display name.
Note: This is the final nickname perk you receive.
â― Painter:
Price: $5,000,000
Use /tomap <url>
to create custom image maps that can be held or displayed using item frames.
â― Personal Time:
Price: $100,000
Use /ptime
to change how the time appears.
â― Personal Weather:
Price: $100,000
Use /pweather
to change how the weather appears.
â― Player Warp 1:
Price: $400,000
Use /pw create [nameofwarp]
to create a playerwarp that all players can warp to.
â― Player Warp 2:
Price: $800,000
Use /pw create [nameofwarp]
to create a second playerwarp that all players can warp to.
Note: This is the max amount of warps you're able to have.
â― Trashcan:
Price: $60,000
Use /trash
to throw items into the void on the go.